In some cases this information has been directly provided in documents received from the BATFE; in other cases it is simply a 'best effort' put forth by enthusiasts to fill in the blanks. As with any information on the internet, take the following with a grain of salt-- when it comes to legal matters consult the BATFE directly for clarification.
If you have known "922(r)" parts count information on other models of weapons
or if you have a correction to an existing entry or other feedback, please email:
(I hope to have all the US flags link to a page with the suppliers of the particular
US made components, but not all are ready just yet! Last Update: 8/7/2008)
The full text of Title 18, Part I, Chapter 44, § 922 is available here.
The full text of Title 27, Chapter I, Part 178 is available here.
The "922(r)" section of 178.39 pertaining to construction of legal firearms incorporating imported parts reads as follows (and provides the basis for the table above):
The Imported Parts Law (1990)
(178.39 otherwise known as 922(r) 10 Foreign parts law on semiauto Rifles & Shotguns)
Sec. 178.39 Assembly of semiautomatic rifles or shotguns.
(a) No person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the assembled firearm is prohibited from importation under section 925(d)(3) as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(1) The assembly of such rifle or shotgun for sale or distribution by a licensed manufacturer to the United States or any department or agency thereof or to any State or any department, agency, or political subdivision thereof; or
(2) The assembly of such rifle or shotgun for the purposes of testing or experimentation authorized by the Director under the provisions of Sec. 178.151; or
(3) The repair of any rifle or shotgun which had been imported into or assembled in the United States prior to November 30, 1990, or the replacement of any part of such firearm.
(c) For purposes of this section, the term imported parts are:
(1) Frames, receivers, receiver
castings, forgings or stampings
(2) Barrels
(3) Barrel extensions
(4) Mounting blocks (trunions)
(5) Muzzle attachments
(6) Bolts
(7) Bolt carriers
(8) Operating rods
(9) Gas pistons
(10) Trigger housings
(11) Triggers
(12) Hammers
(13) Sears
(14) Disconnectors
(15) Buttstocks
(16) Pistol grips
(17) Forearms, handguards
(18) Magazine bodies
(19) Followers
(20) Floorplates